Born: July 11, 2008
Sire: IW SGC MTNest Nevermore
Dam: IW SGC Noracoon Violet Elizabeth of MTNest
Colin is the product of a very special cross between IW SGC Noracoon Violet Elizabeth of MTNest and IW SGC MTNest Nevermore.
He was shown in TICA during the 2008-2009 show year and ended up as the 12th Best Allbreed Kitten and 4th Best Maine Coon Kitten Internationally. He was also the 2nd Best Kitten in the Mid-Atlantic Region after MTNest Princess Diana. He was shown for less than 2 months as an adult before the end of the show year and was the 16th Best Allbreed Cat in our region. During the show year 2009-2010, he was BEST Cat in the MA Region and 7th Best Cat Internationally. Thanks to Phillipa Holmes of Noracoon Maine Coons from Bexhill On Sea, United Kingdom, Violet Elizabeth lived with us since the breeding, going through her pregnancy and delivery, after which she became a U.S. citizen.